What are the outcomes of Population and Public Health activities?
Population and Public Health aims to prevent, delay, and in some cases, treat nutrition-related diseases.1
Population and Public Health also looks at health outcomes and the distribution of such outcomes within groups, communities and populations. The overall aim is to reduce health inequalities while promoting health and well-being.
Population and Public Health will ultimately promote conditions for a healthier economy. Population and Public Health has the potential to reduce direct healthcare costs (e.g. reliance and use of primary healthcare services) and indirect societal costs (e.g. a disability which may impact employment status).

1 Ontario Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance. (2006). Chronic Disease in Ontario and Canada: Determinants, Risk Factors and Prevention Priorities. Retrieved July 23, 2015 from: http://ocdpa.ca/sites/default/files/publications/CDP-FullReport-Mar06.pdf